Peculiarities of viruses Herpesviridae family persistence in patients with non-alcoholic fatty liver disease who had been exposed to the factors of Chornobyl NPP accident

التفاصيل البيبلوغرافية
العنوان: Peculiarities of viruses Herpesviridae family persistence in patients with non-alcoholic fatty liver disease who had been exposed to the factors of Chornobyl NPP accident
المؤلفون: A A, Chumak, O V, Nosach, L M, Ovsyannikova, S M, Alekhina, O Ya, Pleskach, E O, Sarkisova, O V, Gasanova, T O, Shyiko, L P, Tyupa
المصدر: Problemy radiatsiinoi medytsyny ta radiobiolohii. 19
سنة النشر: 2014
الوصف: Objective - to define the features of viruses persistence belonging to the Herpesviridae family in patients with non-alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD) who had been exposed to the factors of Chornobyl NPP accident. Material and methods. The main group included 45 male NAFLD patients sufferers of Chornobyl NPP accident with absorbed doses of external irradiation in the range of 10-580 mSv. The group of nosology comparison consisted of 20 male NAFLD patients with the doses of irradiation within the limits of natural radiation background and regulated doses of medical irradiation. Antibodies to the viruses of herpes simplex 1/2 types (anti-HSV-1/2 IgG), cytomegalovirus (anti-CMV IgG) and Epstein-Barr virus (anti-EBV IgG) were determined by ELISA according to instructions of manufacturer. Results. There were no patients in both groups without IgG antibodies characterizing persistence of some Herpesviridae representative. Tendencies to the increase of antibodie levels to the viruses of herpes simplex, cytomegaly and Epstein-Barr in the seropositive patients, who had been exposed to the factors of Chornobyl NPP accident relative to the patients of group of nosology comparison were found. There were no differences between the subgroups of patients with steatohepatosis (SH) and nonalcoholic steatohepatitis (NASH) in the main group by anti-HSV-1/2 IgG and anti-CMV IgG levels while in the group of comparison SH patients had 60.5 % higher level of anti-HSV-1/2 IgG (p0.05) than NASH patients and anti-CMV IgG - 88.2 % respectively. Besides for NASH patients of main group anti-CMV IgG level exceeded 79.6 % (p = 0,02) analogical level for NASH patients in the group of comparison. The mixt infection by the viruses of 1/2 types herpes simplex and cytomegaly was most often determined in all groups with the direct correlation between the levels of anti-HSV-1/2 IgG and anti-CMV IgG. The markers of cytomegalovirus monoinfection were registered only in NASH patients both in main group and in the group of comparison. Conclusion. According to the presence of class IgG antiviral antibodies, NAFLD patients regardless of radiation influence in anamnesis have high prevalence of Herpesviridae family viral infection: herpes simplex 1/2 types, cytomegalovirus and Epstein-Barr virus. In the group of patients who had been exposed to the factors of Chornobyl NPP accident greater part of seropositive results and higher mean values of the probed antibodies titres were registered than in the groups of comparison. The mixt infection by the viruses of herpes simplex 1/2 types and cytomegaly was registered in most patients with existence of direct correlation between the levels of anti-HSV-1/2 IgG and anti-CMV IgG.Meta doslidzhennja – vyznachyty osoblyvosti persystencii' virusiv, shho nalezhat' do rodyny Herpesviridae, u hvoryh na nealkogol'nu zhyrovu hvorobu pechinky, jaki zaznaly dii' faktoriv Chornobyl's'koi' avarii'. Material i metody. Do osnovnoi' grupy vkljucheno 45 hvoryh cholovichoi' stati z nealkogol'noju zhyrovoju hvoroboju pechinky, jaki postrazhdaly vnaslidok Chornobyl's'koi' katastrofy, z dozamy zovnishn'ogo oprominennja u diapazoni 10–580 mZv. Do grupy nozologichnogo porivnjannja vidibrano 20 hvoryh cholovichoi' stati z dozamy oprominennja v mezhah pryrodnogo radiacijnogo fonu ta reglamentovanyh doz medychnogo oprominennja. Vmist v syrovatci krovi antytil do virusiv prostogo gerpesu 1/2 typiv (anti-HSV-1/2 IgG), cytomegalovirusu (anti-CMV IgG) ta virusu Epshtejna-Barr (anti-EBV IgG) vyznachaly imunofermentnym metodom vidpovidno do instrukcii' vyrobnyka. Rezul'taty. Doslidzhennja antytil klasu IgG, jaki harakteryzujut' stan persystencii', pokazalo, shho u zhodnij z grup ne bulo hvoryh bez oznak urazhennja gerpesvirusnoju infekcijeju. Vyjavleni tendencii' shhodo pidvyshhennja rivniv antytil do virusiv prostogo gerpesu 1/2 typiv, cytomegalovirusu ta virusu Epshtejna-Barr u seropozytyvnyh probah krovi hvoryh, jaki zaznaly dii' faktoriv Chornobyl's'koi' avarii', porivnjano z hvorymy grupy nozologichnogo porivnjannja. V osnovnij grupi ne bulo vidminnostej mizh pidgrupamy hvoryh na steatogepatoz (SG) i nealkogol'nyj steatogepatyt (NASG) za rivnjamy anti-HSV-1/2 IgG i anti-CMV IgG, todi jak v grupi porivnjannja u hvoryh na SG riven' anti-HSV-1/2 IgG na 60,5 % (r0,05) buv vyshhym nizh u hvoryh na NASG, a anti-CMV IgG – na 88,2 %. Pry c'omu u hvoryh na NASG osnovnoi' grupy riven' anti-CMV IgG na 79,6 % (r = 0,02) perevyshhuvav analogichnyj riven' u hvoryh na NASG grupy porivnjannja. V usih grupah najbil'sh chasto vyznachalasja mikst-infekcija virusamy prostogo gerpesu 1/2 typiv i cytomegalovirusom z najavnistju prjamogo koreljacijnogo zv'jazku mizh rivnjamy anti-HSV-1/2 IgG i anti-CMV IgG. Markery mono-cytomegalovirusnoi' infekcii' rejestruvalysja vykljuchno u hvoryh na NASG jak v osnovnij grupi, tak i v grupi porivnjannja. Vysnovok. Za najavnosti protyvirusnyh antytil klasu IgG hvorym na nealkogol'nu zhyrovu hvorobu pechinky nezalezhno vid radiacijnogo vplyvu v anamnezi prytamanna vysoka urazhenist' virusamy rodyny Herpesviridae: prostogo gerpesu 1/2 typiv, cytomegalii' ta Epshtejna-Barr. V grupi hvoryh, jaki zaznaly vplyvu faktoriv Chornobyl's'koi' avarii', vidnosno pokaznykiv grupy porivnjannja rejestruvalysja bil'sha chastka seropozytyvnyh rezul'tativ i bil'sh vysoki seredni znachennja tytriv doslidzhuvanyh antytil. U bil'shosti hvoryh zarejestrovana mikstinfekcija virusamy prostogo gerpesu 1/2 typiv i cytomegalii' z isnuvannjam prjamogo koreljacijnogo zv'jazku mizh rivnjamy anti-HSV-1/2 IgG ta anti-CMV IgG.
تدمد: 2304-8336
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رقم الأكسشن: edsair.pmid..........474dfdd3cef7bffd09e57974dc69bbeb
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