Morbidity pattern of non-cancer endocrine disease in ChNPP accident emergency workers (1992-2013 Clinical/Epidemiological Registry data)

التفاصيل البيبلوغرافية
العنوان: Morbidity pattern of non-cancer endocrine disease in ChNPP accident emergency workers (1992-2013 Clinical/Epidemiological Registry data)
المؤلفون: O V, Kaminskiy, O V, Pronin, D E, Afanasyev
المصدر: Problemy radiatsiinoi medytsyny ta radiobiolohii. 19
سنة النشر: 2014
الوصف: Objective. The study examined the morbidity pattern of non-cancer endocrine disease in ChNPP accident emergency workers (AEW) versus the entire population of Ukraine. Materials and methods. The study included a retrospective estimation of the examination data from 10,771 ChNPP AEW of the so-called iodine and non-iodine periods (main study group). Data were received from the RCRM Clinical/Epidemiological Registry for the survey period of 22 years (1992-2013) on persons been either healthy or having a range of endocrine disease. Anthropometric measures both with biochemical and hormonal assay data and external radiation dose values were taken into account. Diagnostic thyroid ultrasound was applied. Results. There is a significant (2-10-fold) and reliable (p0.01) increase of the incidence of non-cancer endocrine disease in the ChNPP AEW, namely by 23.20 % of nodular goiter (0.53 % in control, χ2 = 9602, р0.0001), by 13.37 % of autoimmune thyroiditis (0.35 % in control; χ2 = 5381, р0.0001), by 11.89 % in average and by 16.29 % in last years of type 2 diabetes mellitus (χ2 = 2527, р0.0001), by 41.67 % of pre-obesity (χ2 = 10.92, р0.01), and by 38.12 % of obesity (χ2 = 41.50, р0.01) compared to the entire population. Conclusions. Effects of ionizing radiation and other hazardous factors on endocrine system in the ChNPP AEW appeared upon 15-25 years. There was a significant (2-10-fold) and reliable (p0.01) increase of the incidence of the nodular goiter, autoimmune thyroiditis, obesity, type 2 diabetes mellitus. And there is a trend to further increase.Meta doslidzhennja. Doslidyty chastotu ta strukturu nezlojakisnoi' endokrynnoi' patologii' v uchasnykiv likvidacii' naslidkiv avarii' (ULNA) na ChAES u porivnjanni iz zagal'noju populjacijeju naselennja Ukrai'ny. Material ta metody doslidzhennja. Vykonana retrospektyvna ocinka danyh obstezhennja 10 771 ULNA na ChAES jodnogo ta pozajodnogo periodu (osnovna grupa doslidzhennja) z kliniko-epidemiologichnogo rejestru NNCRM za 22 roky (period 1992–2013 rr.), jaki buly zdorovi abo maly riznomanitnyj spektr endokrynnoi' patologii'. Zalucheni antropometrychni dani, laboratorni biohimichni ta gormonal'ni pokaznyky, ul'trazvukove doslidzhennja shhytopodibnoi' zalozy, dozy zovnishn'ogo oprominennja. Rezul'taty. Otrymani dani svidchat' pro znachne (v 2–10 raziv) ta virogidne (r0,01) zbil'shennja v ULNA na ChAES chastoty endokrynnyh nezlojakisnyh zahvorjuvan': dlja vuzlovogo zoba – 23,20% (0,53 % u kontroli; χ2 = 9602, r0,0001), hronichnogo autoimunnogo tyreoi'dytu – 13,37% (0,35 % u kontroli; χ2 = 5381, r0,0001), cukrovogo diabetu 2 typu – v seredn'omu 11,89 %, za ostanni roky – 16,29 % (χ2 = 2527 , r0,0001), peredozhyrinnja – 41,67 % (χ2 = 10,92, r0,01) ta ozhyrinnja – 38,12 % (χ2 = 41,50, r0,01), u porivnjanni z zagal'noju populjacijeju. Vysnovky. Realizacija dii' ionizujuchogo vyprominennja ta inshyh negatyvnyh chynnykiv na endokrynnu systemu ULNA na ChAES vidbulasja cherez 15–25 rokiv, suprovodzhuvalas' znachnym (v 2–10 raziv) ta virogidnym (r0,01) zbil'shennjam chastoty vuzlovogo zoba, hronichnogo autoimunnogo tyreoi'dytu, ozhyrinnja, cukrovogo diabetu 2 typu ta maje tendenciju do podal'shoi' zrostannja.
تدمد: 2304-8336
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رقم الأكسشن: edsair.pmid..........753568161860165754dbcd2cb5210035
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