CALLAS/OASIS: Combining Behavioral and Register-Transfer Synthesis Systems

التفاصيل البيبلوغرافية
العنوان: CALLAS/OASIS: Combining Behavioral and Register-Transfer Synthesis Systems
المؤلفون: Pilsl, M., Brglez, F.
المصدر: The 24th Southeastern Symposium on System Theory and The 3rd Annual Symposium on Communications, Signal Processing Expert Systems, and ASIC VLSI Design System Theory, 1992. Proceedings. SSST/CSA 92. The 24th Southeastern Symposium on and The 3rd Annual Symposium on Communications, Signal Processing Expert Systems, and ASIC VLSI Design. :145-149 1992
Relation: The 24th Southeastern Symposium on System Theory and The 3rd Annual Symposium on Communications, Signal Processing Expert Systems, and ASIC VLSI Design
قاعدة البيانات: IEEE Xplore Digital Library