Promoting Adaptive Reuse in Ontario: A Planning Policy Tool for Making the Best of Manufacturing Decline

التفاصيل البيبلوغرافية
العنوان: Promoting Adaptive Reuse in Ontario: A Planning Policy Tool for Making the Best of Manufacturing Decline
المؤلفون: Vecchio, Marcello, Arku, Godwin
المصدر: Urban Planning, 5, 3, 338-350, Planning for Local Economic Development: Research into Policymaking and Practice
بيانات النشر: PRT, 2020.
سنة النشر: 2020
مصطلحات موضوعية: Städtebau, Raumplanung, Landschaftsgestaltung, Landscaping and area planning, Ontario, industrial decline, Raumplanung und Regionalforschung, Area Development Planning, Regional Research, Kanada, Wirtschaftsentwicklung, Stadtentwicklung, Landnutzung, Stadtplanung, Deindustrialisierung, Sanierung, Stadterneuerung, Canada, economic development (on national level), urban development, land utilization, urban planning, deindustrialization, redevelopment, urban renewal
الوصف: The exodus of manufacturing jobs from industrialized cities has increasingly altered the way municipalities plan and cope with buildings and areas that once served as industrial and economic centres. Now these often derelict and costly structures sit as an eyesore in many communities which experience symptoms of post-industrialism. The practice of adaptive reuse is a unique concept of city building, where demolition and traditional brownfield redevelopment have been common practice. Though an already established method, adaptive reuse is becoming increasingly popular due to a greater intensity to protect heritage, reuse materials and structures, and offer unique architectural spaces, there has been a demand to reuse former industrial buildings for other uses such as commercial and recreational spaces. To achieve this, there must be sufficient policy in place to incentivize and mitigate the increase cost and risk which are usually associated with this type of development. This article will focus specifically on Ontario, Canada, and the current Official Plans of all 51 of the province’s cities, and how they are addressing adaptive reuse in former industrial areas and unique ways in which they address this problem. A content analysis of the documents showed that there is a wide difference in reuse contextualization and suggested policy directives. However, Cities in Ontario have proposed that affordable housing, intensification, revitalization in the urban core, and creating spaces for creative and vibrant industries can be addressed by the promotion of reuse in the community. For those with strong industrial history, the applicability of reuse allows for communities to preserve their industrial heritage, while at the same time shift uses to the new economy.
نوع الوثيقة: Zeitschriftenartikel
journal article
تدمد: 2183-7635
DOI: 10.17645/up.v5i3.3188
URL الوصول:
حقوق: Creative Commons - Namensnennung 4.0
Creative Commons - Attribution 4.0
رقم الأكسشن: edsgso.70091
قاعدة البيانات: SSOAR – Social Science Open Access Repository