دورية أكاديمية

Genome-Wide Meta-Analyses of Breast, Ovarian, and Prostate Cancer Association Studies Identify Multiple New Susceptibility Loci Shared by at Least Two Cancer Types

التفاصيل البيبلوغرافية
العنوان: Genome-Wide Meta-Analyses of Breast, Ovarian, and Prostate Cancer Association Studies Identify Multiple New Susceptibility Loci Shared by at Least Two Cancer Types
المؤلفون: Kar, S. P., Beesley, J., Amin Al Olama, A., Michailidou, K., Tyrer, J., Kote-Jarai, Z., Lawrenson, K., Lindstrom, S., Ramus, S. J., Thompson, D. J., Kibel, Adam Stuart, Dansonka-Mieszkowska, A., Michael, A., Dieffenbach, A. K., Gentry-Maharaj, A., Whittemore, A. S., Wolk, A., Monteiro, A., Peixoto, A., Kierzek, A., Cox, A., Rudolph, A., Gonzalez-Neira, A., Wu, A. H., Lindblom, A., Swerdlow, A., Ziogas, A., Ekici, A. B., Burwinkel, B., Karlan, B. Y., Nordestgaard, B. G., Blomqvist, C., Phelan, C., McLean, C., Pearce, C. L., Vachon, C., Cybulski, C., Slavov, C., Stegmaier, C., Maier, C., Ambrosone, C. B., Hogdall, C. K., Teerlink, C. C., Kang, D., Tessier, D. C., Schaid, D. J., Stram, D. O., Cramer, Daniel William, Neal, D. E., Eccles, D., Flesch-Janys, D., Edwards, D. R. V., Wokozorczyk, D., Levine, D. A., Yannoukakos, D., Sawyer, E. J., Bandera, E. V., Poole, Elizabeth M., Goode, E. L., Khusnutdinova, E., Hogdall, E., Song, F, Bruinsma, F., Heitz, F., Modugno, F., Hamdy, F. C., Wiklund, F., Giles, G. G., Olsson, H., Wildiers, H., Ulmer, H.-U., Pandha, H., Risch, H. A., Darabi, H., Salvesen, H. B., Nevanlinna, H., Gronberg, H., Brenner, H., Brauch, H., Anton-Culver, H., Song, H., Lim, H.-Y., McNeish, I., Campbell, I., Vergote, I., Gronwald, J., Lubinski, J., Stanford, J. L., Benitez, J., Doherty, J. A., Permuth, J. B., Chang-Claude, J., Donovan, J. L., Dennis, J., Schildkraut, J. M., Schleutker, J., Hopper, J. L., Kupryjanczyk, J., Park, J. Y., Figueroa, J., Clements, J. A., Knight, J. A., Peto, J., Cunningham, J. M., Pow-Sang, J., Batra, J., Czene, K., Lu, K. H., Herkommer, K., Khaw, K.-T., Matsuo, K., Muir, K., Offitt, K., Chen, K., Moysich, K. B., Aittoma ki, K., Odunsi, K., Kiemeney, L. A., Massuger, L. F. A. G., Fitzgerald, L. M., Cook, L. S., Cannon-Albright, L., Hooning, M. J., Pike, M. C., Bolla, M. K., Luedeke, M., Teixeira, M. R., Goodman, M. T., Schmidt, M. K., Riggan, M., Aly, M., Rossing, M. A., Beckmann, M. W., Moisse, M., Sanderson, M., Southey, M. C., Jones, M., Lush, M., Hildebrandt, M. A. T., Hou, M.-F., Schoemaker, M. J., Garcia-Closas, M., Bogdanova, N., Rahman, N., Le, N. D., Orr, N., Wentzensen, N., Pashayan, N., Peterlongo, P., Guenel, P., Brennan, P., Paulo, P., Webb, P. M., Broberg, P., Fasching, P. A., Devilee, P., Wang, Q., Cai, Q., Li, Q., Kaneva, R., Butzow, R., Kopperud, R. K., Schmutzler, R. K., Stephenson, R. A., MacInnis, R. J., Hoover, R. N., Winqvist, R., Ness, R., Milne, R. L., Travis, R. C., Benlloch, S., Olson, S. H., McDonnell, S. K., Tworoger, Shelley Slate, Maia, S., Berndt, S., Lee, S. C., Teo, S.-H., Thibodeau, S. N., Bojesen, S. E., Gapstur, S. M., Kjaer, S. K., Pejovic, T., Tammela, T. L. J., Do rk, T., Bru ning, T., Wahlfors, T., Key, T. J., Edwards, T. L., Menon, U., Hamann, U., Mitev, V., Kosma, V.-M., Setiawan, V. W., Kristensen, V., Arndt, V., Vogel, W., Zheng, W., Sieh, W., Blot, W. J., Kluzniak, W., Shu, X.-O., Gao, Y.-T., Schumacher, F., Freedman, M. L., Berchuck, A., Dunning, A. M., Simard, J., Haiman, C. A., Spurdle, A., Sellers, T. A., Hunter, David J., Henderson, B. E., Kraft, Peter Elias, Chanock, S. J., Couch, F. J., Hall, P., Gayther, S. A., Easton, D. F., Chenevix-Trench, G., Eeles, R., Pharoah, P. D. P., Lambrechts, D., undefined, undefined
المصدر: Quick submit: 2017-05-13T16:41:21-0400
Kar, S. P., J. Beesley, A. Amin Al Olama, K. Michailidou, J. Tyrer, Z. Kote-Jarai, K. Lawrenson, et al. 2016. “Genome-Wide Meta-Analyses of Breast, Ovarian, and Prostate Cancer Association Studies Identify Multiple New Susceptibility Loci Shared by at Least Two Cancer Types.” Cancer Discovery 6 (9) (July 17): 1052–1067. doi:10.1158/2159-8290.cd-15-1227.
بيانات النشر: American Association for Cancer Research (AACR), 2016.
سنة النشر: 2016
المجموعة: HMS Scholarly Articles
مصطلحات موضوعية: breast cancer, ovarian cancer, prostate cancer, genome-wide association studies, pleiotropy
الوصف: Breast, ovarian, and prostate cancers are hormone-related and may have a shared genetic basis, but this has not been investigated systematically by genome-wide association (GWA) studies. Meta-analyses combining the largest GWA meta-analysis data sets for these cancers totaling 112,349 cases and 116,421 controls of European ancestry, all together and in pairs, identified at P < 10(-8) seven new cross-cancer loci: three associated with susceptibility to all three cancers (rs17041869/2q13/BCL2L11; rs7937840/11q12/INCENP; rs1469713/19p13/GATAD2A), two breast and ovarian cancer risk loci (rs200182588/9q31/SMC2; rs8037137/15q26/RCCD1), and two breast and prostate cancer risk loci (rs5013329/1p34/NSUN4; rs9375701/6q23/L3MBTL3). Index variants in five additional regions previously associated with only one cancer also showed clear association with a second cancer type. Cell-type-specific expression quantitative trait locus and enhancer-gene interaction annotations suggested target genes with potential cross-cancer roles at the new loci. Pathway analysis revealed significant enrichment of death receptor signaling genes near loci with P < 10(-5) in the three-cancer meta-analysis.
Other Research Unit
نوع الوثيقة: Journal Article
اللغة: English
تدمد: 2159-8274
Relation: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC5010513/; Cancer Discovery
DOI: 10.1158/2159-8290.CD-15-1227
URL الوصول: http://nrs.harvard.edu/urn-3:HUL.InstRepos:33840773
حقوق: open
URL: http://nrs.harvard.edu/urn-3:HUL.InstRepos:dash.current.terms-of-use#OAP
رقم الأكسشن: edshld.1.33840773
قاعدة البيانات: Digital Access to Scholarship at Harvard (DASH)