مورد إلكتروني

Evaluacija učestalosti dentalnih anomalija kod djece u Sarajevskom kantonu

التفاصيل البيبلوغرافية
العنوان: Evaluacija učestalosti dentalnih anomalija kod djece u Sarajevskom kantonu
عناروين إضافية: Evaluation of the Prevalence of Dental Anomalies in Children in the Canton of Sarajevo
المصدر: Acta stomatologica Croatica : International journal of oral sciences and dental medicine; ISSN 0001-7019 (Print); ISSN 1846-0410 (Online); Volume 45; Issue 1
بيانات النشر: School of Dental Medicine, University of Zagreb, Croatian Dental Society - Croatian Medical Association 2011
تفاصيل مُضافة: Mervana Spahić-Dizdarević
Emsudina Deljo
Maida Ganibegović-Selimović
نوع الوثيقة: Electronic Resource
مستخلص: Svrha: Zadatak istraživanja bila je evaluacija učestalosti dentalnih anomalija kod predškolske i školske djece u Sarajevskom kantonu te diferencijacija relativnog udjela nasljednih i nenasljednih čimbenika u fenotipskoj ekspresiji dentalnih anomalija. Ispitanici i postupci: Za uzorak su odabrana djeca predškolske i školske dobi obaju spolova iz šest vrtića i šest osnovnih škola u Sarajevskom kantonu. Pregledano ih je ukupno 740 – od njih je 270 bilo predškolske dobi (123 dječaka i 147 djevojčica), a 470 školske dobi (231 dječak i 239 djevojčica). Prevalencija dentalnih anomalija procjenjivala se prema tome koliko je česta pojava anomalija u uzorku. Kako bi se prevalencije određenih dentalnih anomalija usporedile s europskim i svjetskim populacijama, bio je odabran test razlike proporcija, varijanta χ2 testa s granicom statističke značajnosti od p<0,05. Primjenom istog testa bila je obavljena i procjena značajnosti razlike u spolnoj strukturi ispitanika. U statističkim analizama koristili smo se znanstveno verificiranim softverom MedCalc Ver. Rezultati: Na temelju promatranog uzorka djece predškolske dobi uočena je tendencija porasta dentalnih anomalija kod djevojčica i ustanovljena u postotcima sljedeća zastupljenost dentalnih anomalija: makrodoncija (27%), fuzija (24%), AI hipoplastični tip (13%), mikrodoncija (13%), AI hipokalcifikacijski tip (10%), hipodoncija (8%) i geminacija (5%). U uzorku djece školske dobi bila je u postotcima sljedeća zastupljenost pojedinih dentalnih anomalija: hipodoncija (42%), makrodoncija (27%), mikrodoncija (25%), AI hipoplastični tip (4%) i fuzija (2%). Zaključak: Od ukupnog broja ispitanika u uzorku predškolske djece, kod njih 14,8 posto uočene su dentalne anomalije, a kod školske djece taj postotak iznosi 11,7. Postotak dentalnih anomalija kod djece u Sarajevskom kantonu okviru je očekivanoga, nakon što je uspoređen s referentnim podacima iz svjetske literature.
Objectives: The aim of this study was to evaluate the prevalence of dental anomalies in preschool and school children of the Canton of Sarajevo and differentiation of the relative share of hereditary and nonhereditary factors in the phenotypic expression of dental anomalies. Subjects and Methods: We analyzed a sample of preschool children and school children of both sexes from six kindergartens and six elementary schools in the Canton of Sarajevo. The study included a total of 740 children, out of which 270 were preschool children (123 boys, 147 girls), and 470 school children (231 boys, 239 girls). The prevalence of dental anomalies was estimated according to frequency of occurance of dental anomalies in the sample. To compare the observed prevalence of certain dental anomalies with European and world populations, the test for proportion differences was used, a variant of the chi-square test with limit of the statistical significance of p <0.05. A significant difference between the subjects according to gender was found using the same test. The statistical analysis was performed using the scientifically verified software MedCalc Ver. Results: There was a tendency toward increase of dental anomalies in children of female sex, based on the observed sample of preschool children. The following percentage distribution of dental anomalies was found: macrodontia (27%), fusion (24%), hypoplastic type of AI (13%), microdontia (13%), hypocalcification type of AI (10%), hypodontia (8%) and gemination (5%). The following percentage representation of various dental anomalies was determined in a sample of school children: hypodontia (42%), macrodontia (27%), microdontia (25%), hypoplastic type of AI (4%) and fusion (2%). Conclusion: In a sample of preschool children, dental anomalies were observed in 14.8% and among school children this percentage was 11.7% of the total number of subjects. The percentage of dental anomalies in children in the Canton of Sarajevo was comp
مصطلحات الفهرس: zub, malformacije; anodoncija; zubna caklina, hipoplazija; zubi, fuzija; amelogenesis impefecta, hipoplasitčni tip; djeca; Bosna i Hercegovina, Tooth Abnormalities; Anodontia; Dental Enamel Hypoplasia; Fused Teeth; Amelogenesis Impefecta local hypoplastic form; Children; Bosnia and Herzegovina, text, info:eu-repo/semantics/article, info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersion
الإتاحة: Open access content. Open access content
Copyright: Author’s. Published by: University of Zagreb School of Dental Medicine; Croatian Dental Society, Croatian Medical Association. All articles are freely available under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivates 4.0 International Licence. This license allows others to download works and share them with others as long as they credit you, but they can’t change them in any way or use them commercially. https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0/legalcode Annual subscription fee for printed journal Abroad: 50€ for Europe and 60€ outside Europe to be paid to account No. IBAN: HR7423600001101235285, SWIFT: ZABA HR2X Zagrebacka banka marked “For ASCRO”.
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