مورد إلكتروني

Lincoln School 1939 8th Grade Graduates Photograph

التفاصيل البيبلوغرافية
العنوان: Lincoln School 1939 8th Grade Graduates Photograph
بيانات النشر: c. 1939
نوع الوثيقة: Electronic Resource
مستخلص: Lincoln School 1939 eighth grade graduating class photograph. The students, teacher, and principal are identified as follows: first row, (left to right): Evonne Thomas, unidentified boy, Dorothy Lund, Erwin Andrews, Pat Harms, Russell Bair, Irene Koenig, Danny Daver, Irene Neuman, Harvey Tolzien, Beth ?, Robert Balfour, Eleanor Jacobs, Donald Ruhrdanz, Violet Boyd, Carl Knabe, Jean Neuson; second row, (left to right): Lillian Krupa, Warren Gochenbach, unidentified boy, unidentified girl, Arlene Rechtermann, Marjorie Burklund, Lila Peterson, Betty Stielow, Robert Tolzien, Rose Marie Meyer, Bettie Brauch, Claire Juniac, Richard Fanning, Connie Kohtz, Herman Gross, unidentified girl, unidentiified boy, Mrs. Frappier (teacher), "Pop" Etherton (staff); third row, (left to right): unidentified boy, Patty Todd, unidentified girl, unidentified girl, Robert Simpson, Helmut Biegert, Edward Bockenhauer, Pat Galitz, Eugene Hezner, Bernard Mohrbacher, Arlene Madsen, Gerry Thulstrup, June Train, Nancy Allen, Doris Burklund, Shirley Milz, O.O. Young (principal).
الموضوعات: Skokie
مصطلحات الفهرس: Schools; Schools -- Illinois; School districts -- Illinois; Students; Students -- Illinois; Teachers; Children, School; Graduation, Thomas, Evonne; Lund, Dorothy; Andrews, Erwin; Harms, Pat; Bair, Russell; Koenig, Irene; Daver, Danny; Neuman, Irene; Tolzien, Harvey; Balfour, Robert; Jacobs, Eleanor; Ruhrdanz, Donald; Boyd, Violet; Knabe, Carl; Neuson, Jean; Krupa, Lillian; Gochenbach, Warren; Rechtermann, Arlene; Burklund, Marjorie; Peterson, Lila; Stielow, Betty; Tolzien, Robert; Meyer, Rose Marie; Brauch, Bettie; Juniac, Claire; Fanning, Richard; Kohtz, Connie; Gross, Herman; Frappier; Etherton, "Pop"; Todd, Patty; Simpson, Robert; Biegert, Helmut; Bockenhauer, Edward; Galitz, Pat; Hezner,Eugene; Mohrbacher, Bernard; Madsen, Arlene; Thulstrup, Gerry; Train, June; Allen, Nancy; Burklund, Doris; Milz, Shirley; Young, O. O., Skokie School District 69, photograph
URL: http://www.idaillinois.org/u?/skokiepo02,1692
الإتاحة: Open access content. Open access content
This item may be protected by copyright and is made available here for research and education purposes. If you would like a reproduction or a high resolution image of this item, submit a Skokie Historical Archive Image Usage Request https://www.skokieparks.org/imagerequest.html to the Skokie Heritage Museum https://www.skokieparks.org/skokie-heritage-museum .
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أرقام أخرى: SPI oai:www.idaillinois.org:skokiepo02/1692
Skokie Historical Society, 1993.071.003
المصدر المساهم: ILLINOIS STATE LIBR
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