مورد إلكتروني

Ponovno datiranje tri staroegipatska predmeta iz razdoblja Naqade I.–III. i arhajskog perioda u Muzeju Mimara u Zagrebu

التفاصيل البيبلوغرافية
العنوان: Ponovno datiranje tri staroegipatska predmeta iz razdoblja Naqade I.–III. i arhajskog perioda u Muzeju Mimara u Zagrebu
عناروين إضافية: Re-dating of three Ancient Egyptian artefacts from Naqada I-III and the Archaic Period in the Mimara Museum in Zagreb
المصدر: Prilozi Instituta za arheologiju u Zagrebu; ISSN 1330-0644 (Print); ISSN 1848-6371 (Online); Volume 29; Issue -
بيانات النشر: Institute of arhaeology 2012
تفاصيل مُضافة: Mladen Tomorad
نوع الوثيقة: Electronic Resource
مستخلص: U više od 25 muzeja i poznatih privatnih zbirki u Hrvatskoj čuva se između 4500 i 5000 staroegipatskih predmeta. Samo jedan muzej i jedna privatna zbirka u Hrvatskoj sadrže predmete iz razdoblja kulture Naqada i preddinastičkog (arhajskog) perioda. Tri se čuvaju u Muzeju Mimara u Zagrebu i to su: posuda od crvene breccije, alabasterna zdjela i mala bočica od pečene zemlje. Svi ostali predmeti se nalaze u posjedu privatnog kolekcionara gosp. Bošnjaka iz Kutine. Oni uključuju raznovrsne posude iz razdoblja kultura Naqada I.–III. kao i neke druge predmete iz arhajskog perioda. Oni su prethodno spomenuti u jednom katalogu (Bobovec 1991) i članku (Tomorad 2009: 539). Analiza izložena u ovom radu pokazala je da su svi ti predmeti stariji nego što se to ranije smatralo. Nova datiranja temelje se na komparativnoj analizi predmeta iz zbirki brojnih svjetskih muzeja te novih članaka, muzejskih kataloga i knjiga o preddinastičkim kulturama i arhajskom periodu.
Approximately 4500 to 5000 Egyptian artefacts are presently kept in more than 25 museums and private collections in Croatia. Only one of these museums and one private collection contain artefacts from the Naqada and the Early dynastic (Archaic) periods. Three of these are kept in the Mimara Museum in Zagreb: a red breccia vessel, an alabaster bowl, and a small terracotta bottle. All other artefacts are kept in the private collection of Mr. Bošnjak from Kutina and they include various vessels and containers from the Naqada I–III cultures and certain other objects from the Archaic period. These objects were only previously mentioned in a small catalogue (Bobovec 1991) and a paper (Tomorad 2009: 539). The analysis presented in this paper shows that all these artefacts were crafted earlier than previously thought. New dates are proposed based on new comparative material from the collections around the world, and several new papers, museum catalogues and books about Pre-dynastic and Archaic periods.
مصطلحات الفهرس: stari Egipat; Muzej Mimara u Zagrebu; Naqada I.–III.; arhajski period (dinastija I–II); posude; zdjele; Hator, Ancient Egypt; Mimara Museum in Zagreb; Naqada I–III; Archaic period (Dynasty I–II); vessels; bowls; Hathor, text, info:eu-repo/semantics/article, info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersion
URL: https://hrcak.srce.hr/102823
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