مورد إلكتروني

Ograničenje mogućnosti iznošenja novota i cilj građanskoga parničnog postupka

التفاصيل البيبلوغرافية
العنوان: Ograničenje mogućnosti iznošenja novota i cilj građanskoga parničnog postupka
عناروين إضافية: Restrictions for Late Factual Allegations and Evidence and the Goal of Civil Procedure
المصدر: Zbornik Pravnog fakulteta u Zagrebu; ISSN 0350-2058 (Print); ISSN 1849-1154 (Online); Volume 63; Issue 3-4
بيانات النشر: Faculty of Law of University of Zagreb 2013
تفاصيل مُضافة: Aleš Galič
نوع الوثيقة: Electronic Resource
مستخلص: Jugoslavenski Zakon o parničnom postupku nije sadržavao učinkovita sredstva za koncentraciju postupka i dobru sadržajnu pripremu glavne rasprave. Već prvi slovenski ZPP iz 1999. donio je u tom smislu određena poboljšanja, a novi koraci učinjeni su novelom ZPP-a (ZPP-D) iz 2008. godine. Stranka parničnog postupka treba doprinijeti ubrzanju postupka i postizanju cilja, sadržajno pravilne sudske odluke. Naglašeno je značenje stadija pripreme glavne rasprave. Uvodi se sustav vremenskih ograničenja iznošenja novota (prekluzija). Cilj toga procesnog instituta nije u tome da se sudu omogući da se jednostavno riješi obveze donošenja potpune meritorne presude. Primarni cilj prekluzija kao procesnih sankcija je prevencija. Ako stranke budu poštovale zahtjeve suda za pravovremenim iznošenjem novota, priprema glavne rasprave bit će bolja, a argumenti stranaka potpuniji i sistematičniji. Za postizanje cilja, sadržajne kvalitete sudske zaštite to može biti samo korisno.
The Yugoslav Civil Procedure Act did not contain efficient tools that could assure concentration of proceedings and a substantial preparation of the main hearing. There were no sanctions for default in filing of preparatory submissions, and judges were not empowered to impose binding time limits for written clarifications and supplementations of the parties' submissions. Already the first Slovenian Civil Procedure Act (1999) brought some improvements in this regard. Further steps were made by the CPA amendments in 2008. The legislator's intention was to put an emphasis on the preparatory stage of civil proceedings. For the first time, the judge was empowered to use his discretion in shaping the procedure and to adjust it to the characteristics of each individual case. The new amendments also promoted the idea that a party to civil litigation should contribute both to acceleration of the proceedings, as well as to achieving the goal of substantive justice on merits. The relation between the goal of substantive justice and procedural sanctions cannot be determined based on ideologically burdened or even demagogical arguments. It is all about finding a right balance. The goal of preclusions is not to enable the court to avoid the determination of the merits of the case. The primary goal of such procedural sanctions is prevention. One can expect that parties comply with court orders and directions. If they do so, the preparation of trial and arguments of parties should be more comprehensive and of better quality. For achieving the goal of good quality of adjudication this can only be beneficial.
مصطلحات الفهرس: parnični postupak; novote; prekluzija; pravo na saslušanje stranaka; načelo proporcionalnosti, civil procedure; new facts and evidence; preclusions; right to be heard; principle of proportionality, text, info:eu-repo/semantics/article, info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersion
URL: https://hrcak.srce.hr/109730
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Zbornik Pravnog fakulteta u Zagrebu is an Open Access journal. All content is made freely available. Users can not use the materials for commercial purposes. Users can not alter, transform, or build upon the material. The journal is published bimonthly. Annual subscription for printed edition for foreign countries: 85 EUR. Subscription orders should be sent to: Pravni fakultet u Zagrebu, Računovodstvo (za Zbornik), Trg Republike Hrvatske 14, 10000 Zagreb, Hrvatska
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