مورد إلكتروني

Rimski Daruvar u svjetlu najnovijih arheoloških istraživanja

التفاصيل البيبلوغرافية
العنوان: Rimski Daruvar u svjetlu najnovijih arheoloških istraživanja
عناروين إضافية: Roman Daruvar in the Light of the Newest Archaeological Research
المصدر: Radovi Zavoda za znanstvenoistraživački i umjetnički rad u Bjelovaru; ISSN 1846-9787 (Print); ISSN 1848-7912 (Online); Issue 12
بيانات النشر: Croatian Academy of Sciences and Arts 2018
تفاصيل مُضافة: Jakovljević, Goran
نوع الوثيقة: Electronic Resource
مستخلص: Razvoj i raster rimskog naselja s jaškim supstratom na vrlo važnom strateškom položaju današnjeg grada Daruvara, koje je doseglo municipalni status, zbog nedostatka sustavnih arheoloških istraživanja uopće nije poznat, iako temeljem slučajnih reprezentativnih nalaza možemo smatrati da su postojale tri glavne njegove cjeline: civilno naselje na padinama Starog Slavika, balneološki dio s hramom na prostoru današnjeg Julijevog parka te forum na mjestu današnjeg središnjeg trga. Sustavna arheološka iskopavanja Gradskog muzeja Bjelovar na području oko židovskog groblja na Starom Slaviku po prvi puta su registrirali ostatke rimske arhitekture u vidu objekta vjerojatno vojne namjene te ostatke perimetralnog zida, koji je okruživao cijelo naselje. Ustanovljene su najmanje tri građevinske faze, a provedene su i određene geološke analize na nepokretnim i pokretnim nalazima kako bi se utvrdila njihova starost i porijeklo sirovine za gradnju.
The development and raster of Roman settlement with Iasic substratum, situated at the very important strategic position of the present Daruvar, which had reached municipal status, has due to lack of systematic archaeological research remained completely unknown. However, on the basis of random representative finds, it may be concluded that it consisted of three main parts: civic settlement on the slopes of the Stari Slavik hill, balneological part with a temple in the area of the present Julius’ park, and forum on the location of the present central square. Remains of Roman architecture – probably of a facility serving a military purpose, as well as remains of perimetral wall that encircled the entire settlement were for the first time recorded as a result of systematic archaeological research conducted by the Bjelovar Home Museum in the area around Jewish cemetery on the location of Stari Slavik. At least three building phases have been established, and certain geological analyses of immovable and movable finds have been conducted in order for their age and the origin of the building material to be determined.
مصطلحات الفهرس: Aquae Balissae; Jasi; rimska arhitektura; Stari Slavik, Iasi; Aquae Balissae; Stari Slavik; Roman architecture, text, info:eu-repo/semantics/article, info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersion
URL: https://hrcak.srce.hr/218923
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