مورد إلكتروني

Are we using excessive neuroleptics An argument for systematic neuroleptic dose reduction in stable patients with schizophrenia with specific reference to clozapine.

التفاصيل البيبلوغرافية
العنوان: Are we using excessive neuroleptics An argument for systematic neuroleptic dose reduction in stable patients with schizophrenia with specific reference to clozapine.
المؤلفون: Yamin S., Vaddadi K.
بيانات النشر: Informa Healthcare (69-77 Paul Street, London EC2A 4LQ, United Kingdom) United Kingdom 2012-10-11
نوع الوثيقة: Electronic Resource
مستخلص: Pharmacological intervention using antipsychotic agents is the cornerstone of treatment in schizophrenia. Polypharmacy and the use of higher doses is often practised in the hope of getting better symptom control in multi-episode, chronically unwell, people with schizophrenia. However, these regimes often pose unacceptable and at times dangerous risks. The current review examines the factors that influence dosing and argues that optimization is transient and needs ongoing consideration throughout the course of the illness. What is defined as 'the optimal dose' changes over the course of the illness and this should be reflected in treatment. The evidence presented in the current paper suggests that given the negative symptoms associated with neuroleptic medication, dosage should be discussed as part of the case review process and dosage should be systematically reduced as part of the standard treatment protocol. A case-study is presented of a patient who had her dosage of clozapine reduced and the subsequent health and lifestyle benefits from this reduction. We argue that the focus needs to be shifted away from the specific aim of treatment of psychotic symptoms to a more holistic view of treatment that incorporates function and psychosocial function as a measure of improvement. © 2010 Institute of Psychiatry.
مصطلحات الفهرس: functional assessment, human, hypersalivation/si [Side Effect], insulin resistance/si [Side Effect], low drug dose, maintenance therapy, metabolic syndrome X/si [Side Effect], negative syndrome/si [Side Effect], neutrophil count, patient compliance, polypharmacy, priority journal, review, schizophrenia/dt [Drug Therapy], schizophrenia/th [Therapy], sedation, side effect/si [Side Effect], social psychology, tardive dyskinesia/si [Side Effect], weight gain, atypical antipsychotic agent/ae [Adverse Drug Reaction], atypical antipsychotic agent/cm [Drug Comparison], chlorpromazine, clozapine/ae [Adverse Drug Reaction], clozapine/dt [Drug Therapy], flupentixol decanoate/ae [Adverse Drug Reaction], flupentixol decanoate/do [Drug Dose], fluphenazine decanoate/ae [Adverse Drug Reaction], fluphenazine decanoate/ct [Clinical Trial], fluphenazine decanoate/dt [Drug Therapy], fluphenazine enanthate/ct [Clinical Trial], fluphenazine enanthate/dt [Drug Therapy], haloperidol, neuroleptic agent/ae [Adverse Drug Reaction], neuroleptic agent/cm [Drug Comparison], neuroleptic agent/dt [Drug Therapy], olanzapine/ae [Adverse Drug Reaction], perphenazine/ae [Adverse Drug Reaction], placebo, quetiapine, risperidone, thioridazine, lifestyle, agranulocytosis/si [Side Effect], anhedonia, clinical protocol, clinical trial, drug dose comparison, drug dose reduction, drug dose regimen, drug fatality/si [Side Effect], drug megadose, drug use, drug withdrawal, dysphoria/si [Side Effect], extrapyramidal symptom/si [Side Effect], family therapy, Review
URL: https://repository.monashhealth.org/monashhealthjspui/handle/1/30990
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الإتاحة: Open access content. Open access content
Copyright 2012 Elsevier B.V., All rights reserved.
أرقام أخرى: AUSHL oai:repository.monashhealth.org:1/30990
International Review of Psychiatry. 22 (2) (pp 138-147), 2010. Date of Publication: 2010.
20504054 [http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/?term=20504054]
(Yamin) Department of Neuropsychology, Southern Health, Clayton, VIC, Australia (Vaddadi) Monash Medical Centre, 246 Clayton Rd, Clayton, VIC 3168, Australia
Vaddadi K.; Krishnarao.Vaddadi@med.monash.edu.au
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