مورد إلكتروني

The Inclusive University: A Critical Theory Perspective Using a Recognition‐Based Approach

التفاصيل البيبلوغرافية
العنوان: The Inclusive University: A Critical Theory Perspective Using a Recognition‐Based Approach
المؤلفون: McArthur, Jan
المصدر: Social Inclusion; 9; 3; 6-15; Inclusive Universities in a Globalized World
بيانات النشر: PRT 2022-03-31T12:34:43Z 2022-03-31T12:34:43Z 2021
نوع الوثيقة: Electronic Resource
مستخلص: This article offers a conceptual exploration of the inclusive university from a Frankfurt School critical theory perspective. It does not seek to define the inclusive university, but to explore aspects of its nature, possibilities and challenges. Critical theory eschews fixed definitions in favour of broader understandings that reflect the complexities of human life. I propose that we consider questions of inclusion in terms of mutual recognition and use the debate between critical theorists Nancy Fraser and Axel Honneth to explain the implications of this approach. Central to Frankfurt School critical theory is the idea that we achieve our individuality through our interactions with others. Anything which prevents an individual leading a fully realised social life, within or outwith the university, undermines inclusion. Thus, I offer a broader, more complex and holistic understanding of inclusion than traditional approaches within the university such as widening participation. While such approaches can be helpful, they are insufficient to address the full challenge of an inclusive university, understood in these terms of critical theory and mutual recognition.
مصطلحات الفهرس: Bildung und Erziehung, Sozialwissenschaften, Soziologie, Soziale Probleme und Sozialdienste, Education, Social sciences, sociology, anthropology, Social problems and services, Alex Honneth; Nancy Fraser; critical theory; higher education; mutual recognition; social justice; university, Bildungswesen tertiärer Bereich, Generelle Theorien der Sozialwissenschaften, soziale Probleme, University Education, General Concepts, Major Hypotheses and Major Theories in the Social Sciences, Social Problems, Frankfurter Schule, Kritische Theorie, Universität, Hochschulbildung, soziale Integration, Inklusion, soziale Gerechtigkeit, Frankfurt School, critical theory, university, university level of education, social integration, inclusion, social justice, Zeitschriftenartikel, journal article
URL: https://www.ssoar.info/ssoar/handle/document/78357
الإتاحة: Open access content. Open access content
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