مورد إلكتروني

Effect-directed analysis for the identification of contaminants of emerging concern in the water cycle

التفاصيل البيبلوغرافية
العنوان: Effect-directed analysis for the identification of contaminants of emerging concern in the water cycle
بيانات النشر: s.n. 2023
تفاصيل مُضافة: Jonkers, Timotheus Johan Hendrik
نوع الوثيقة: Electronic Resource
مستخلص: Chemicals that end up in the water cycle can negatively impact water quality and thereby the aquatic environment. In the Netherlands, drinking water is primarily prepared from surface water and groundwater. To protect the environment and drinking water sources, it is important to adequately monitor the water quality and identify contaminants of emerging concern (CECs). Current European legislation on water quality assessment dictates the use of targeted chemical analysis to analyze a list of priority substances in water bodies. By only measuring a limited list of compounds, however, environmental risks and adverse effects on water quality may be underestimated. To improve this assessment, effect-based bioassays are applied more and more. Bioassays measure the combined potency of all (known and unknown) bioactive compounds in a sample that affect the same endpoint. Effect-directed analysis (EDA) combines chemical analyses and bioassays into one platform to identify CECs, to prioritize them for future monitoring. Previously, such a platform was developed in the High-Throughput EDA project (2013 – 2017, funded by NWO-STW). In this project, the Division of Bioanalytical Chemistry and the VU Department of Environment & Health of Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam collaborated with Het Waterlaboratorium. The developed platform was implemented at Het Waterlaboratorium for monitoring applications outside an academic context. In the HT-EDA project, bioassays that monitor mutagenic and endocrine disrupting activity were applied for the identification of compounds with EDA. Furthermore, the platform allowed for high-resolution fractionation, simplifying the composition of mixtures in fractions in well plate format. The identification success rate was limited, however, which could be (partly) attributed to a lack of fast identification strategies. Also, there was a need to identify CECs with other toxicological endpoints relevant to the water cycle, such as the toxicity of antibi
مصطلحات الفهرس: Effect-directed analysis, Effect-gestuurde analyse, Bioassay, Opkomende stoffen, Verontreinigingen, Milieu, Antibiotica, Nontarget screening, Water, Glucocorticoïden, Contaminants of emerging concern, Environment, Antibiotic, Suspect and nontarget screening, Metabolites, Wastewater, Surface water, Glucocorticoid, PhD-Thesis - Research and graduation internal
DOI: 10.5463.thesis.7
URL: https://research.vu.nl/en/publications/aa578c09-6826-48b0-a1a1-81eb8f8a4240
الإتاحة: Open access content. Open access content
ملاحظة: Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam Repository
أرقام أخرى: NLVRU oai:research.vu.nl:publications/aa578c09-6826-48b0-a1a1-81eb8f8a4240
DOI: 10.5463/thesis.7
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