مورد إلكتروني

Značaj prevjeravanja glavnine zahumsko-dukljanskog življa iz katolicizma u pravoslavlje (13. – 14. stoljeće)*

التفاصيل البيبلوغرافية
العنوان: Značaj prevjeravanja glavnine zahumsko-dukljanskog življa iz katolicizma u pravoslavlje (13. – 14. stoljeće)*
عناروين إضافية: Importance of Religious Conversions of the Population in Zeta and Doclea from Catholicism to Orthodoxy (13th – 14th Century)
المصدر: Croatica Christiana periodica; ISSN 0350-7823 (Print); ISSN 1848-9982 (Online); Volume 45; Issue 87
بيانات النشر: The catholic faculty of theology 2021
تفاصيل مُضافة: Mrduljaš, Saša
نوع الوثيقة: Electronic Resource
مستخلص: U oblikovanju etničkih razlika između Hrvata, Bošnjaka, Srba i Crnogoraca presudnu je ulogu, uz posebnosti vezane uz političko-povijesni razvoj, imala religija. Na ovdašnjim prostorima prva važna vjerska distinkcija proizišla je iz njihove razdiobe između katolicizma i pravoslavlja. Međutim, inicijalna linija razdvajanja, okvirno ona iz vremena crkvenog raskola 1054. nije se dugo održala. Do njezina pomjeranja na štetu katolicizma dolazi nakon što su nekadašnje primorske kneževine Zahumlje, Travunija i Duklja, locirane između Neretve i Bojane, krajem 12. stoljeća došle pod vlast pravoslavne Srbije. S ciljem vjerske unifikacije države, a time i stabilnosti vladalačkih pozicija, pod srpskom se dinastijom Nemanjića odvio proces masovnog prevjeravanja katoličkog zahumsko-dukljanskog življa u pravoslavlje. Ono je vjerojatno bilo najintenzivnije u razdoblju između osnivanja autokefalne srpske crkve, tj. Žičke / Pećke arhiepiskopije 1219. i kraja 13. stoljeća. Na taj način zahumsko-dukljanski prostor je do polovice 14. vijeka i okončanja srpske vlasti glavninom postao pravoslavnim. U priloženom radu, pored opisa političko-vjerskih prilika koje su prethodile pravoslavizaciji i utjecale na njezino provođenje, pokušat ćemo istaknuti dalekosežnost njezina značaja za ovdašnje etničke suodnose.
In respect of the historical and political formation of ethnic and national communities, as well as regarding the differences between Croatians, Bosnians, Serbs, and Montenegrins the religion played a paramount role. In this region, the first important religious differentiation happened with the division of Christianity to Catholicism and Orthodoxy. However, the initial borderline between Catholicism and Orthodoxy, the one from the time of Schism of 1054, did not last for a long time. Namely, the borderline was changed to the detriment of Catholicism after the former maritime duchies of Zachlumia, Travunija, and Doclea, in the area between rivers Neretva and Bojana, became a part of the Orthodox Serbian state at the end of the twelfth century. In order to religiously unify the country, and consequently stabilize the political position of the ruling Serbian Nemanjić dynasty, the authorities ordered a massive religious conversion of the Catholic population in Zachlumia and Doclea to Orthodoxy. The conversion was probably the most intensive in the period between the foundation of the autocephalous Serbian Church, i.e. Archbishopric of Žić and Peć, in 1219 and the end of the thirteenth century. Therefore, by the mid-fourteenth century and the end of the Serbian rule, this region of Zachlumia and Doclea became predominately Orthodox. In this article, besides the description of the political and religious circumstances that preceded and helped the conversion to Orthodoxy, the author tried to emphasize the far-reaching importance of this act to contemporary ethnic relations.
مصطلحات الفهرس: Zahumlje; Travunija; Duklja; katolicizam; pravoslavlje; prevjeravanje., Zachlumia; Travunija; Doclea; Catholicism; Orthodoxy; religious conversions., text, info:eu-repo/semantics/article, info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersion
URL: https://hrcak.srce.hr/264712
الإتاحة: Open access content. Open access content
ملاحظة: application/pdf
أرقام أخرى: HRCAK oai:hrcak.srce.hr:264712
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