مورد إلكتروني

Mladi Rudolf Matz – glavni tajnik i zborovođa Hrvatskog pjevačkog saveza u Zagrebu

التفاصيل البيبلوغرافية
العنوان: Mladi Rudolf Matz – glavni tajnik i zborovođa Hrvatskog pjevačkog saveza u Zagrebu
عناروين إضافية: Young Rudolf Matz – General Secretary and Choirmaster of the Croatian Singing Association in Zagreb
المصدر: Arti musices : hrvatski muzikološki zbornik; ISSN 0587-5455 (Print); ISSN 1848-9303 (Online); Volume 54; Issue 1
بيانات النشر: Croatian Musicological Society & Croatian Academy of Science and Arts, Department for History of Croatian Music & Zagreb University, Academy of Music 2023
تفاصيل مُضافة: Kraljević, Bernardica
نوع الوثيقة: Electronic Resource
مستخلص: Ovaj rad pridonosi osvjetljavanju organizacijskog i dirigentskog djelovanja Rudolfa Matza u Hrvatskom pjevačkom savezu u osobito značajnom razdoblju reorganizacije njegova rada 1924. i 1925. godine. Kao maturant Matz je utemeljio Glazbeno društvo intelektualaca u Zagrebu, s kojim je u ulozi umjetničkoga voditelja ostvario brzi umjetnički uspon te 1924. bio izabran za glavnog tajnika i dirigenta Hrvatskog pjevačkog saveza. U njemu je, uz dirigiranje, oblikovanjem novog modela rada i formuliranjem odgovarajućih pravilnika obavljao ključnu ulogu u reorganizaciji rada Hrvatskog pjevačkog saveza ujedno potičući programsku orijentaciju nacionalnog stila. Sveukupno je utjecao na unaprjeđivanje umjetničkog rada Hrvatskog pjevačkog saveza i izvedbene prakse brojnih hrvatskih pjevačkih društava evidentnih već sljedeće 1925. godine na koncertima u povodu proslave 1000. godišnjice hrvatskoga kraljevstva i 50. godišnjice djelovanja HPS-a.
Rudolf Matz (1901-1988) was a versatile Croatian musician, known and recognized in the domestic and international cultural community primarily as a cellist pedagogue and composer. This paper provides insight on his lesser-known organizational and conducting activity in the Croatian Singing Association (Hrvatski pjevački savez) during the particularly significant period of the reorganization of the Association’s work in 1924 and 1925. In 1919, Matz founded the Musical Society of Intellectuals in Zagreb with whom, as its artistic leader, he achieved a rapid artistic rise. In 1924 he was elected general secretary and conductor of the Association of Croatian Singing Societies or the Croatian Singing Association. At that time, the Association was already a respected institution with a fifty-year history and would remain active in Zagreb until 1947. As a well-organized umbrella organization, the Association made a significant contribution to Croatian musical culture by encouraging the activities of a large number of Croatian singing societies, which functioned as centers of cultural activity in their respective communities. During the period of Matz’s involvement (1924-1941), the Association notably strengthened its activities in the organization of compositional, publishing and ethnomusicological work, created strong connections with other European Slavic nations, and acted as a representative of Croatian cultural identity in the field of music. Due to unstable Croatian political conditions, the work of the Croatian Singing Association was difficult. At the beginning of 1924, during a period of crisis caused by pressure from Belgrade, the center of political power at the time, a young Rudolf Matz, then a student of composition at the Royal Academy of Music in Zagreb, was given the prominent role of general secretary and then choirmaster of the Croatian Singing Association. After he actively participated in opposing the pressure from Belgrade to create a centralized Yugos
مصطلحات الفهرس: Rudolf Matz; Hrvatski pjevački savez; pjevačka društva; pjevačke župe; pravilnici, Rudolf Matz; Croatian Singing Association; singing societies; singing counties; regulations of the work of singing societies, text, info:eu-repo/semantics/article, info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersion
URL: https://hrcak.srce.hr/306086
الإتاحة: Open access content. Open access content
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