مورد إلكتروني

Secondary agricultural products in function of raw materials for further industrial processing

التفاصيل البيبلوغرافية
العنوان: Secondary agricultural products in function of raw materials for further industrial processing
عناروين إضافية: Sekundarni ratarski proizvodi u funkciji sirovina za dalju industrijsku preradu
المؤلفون: Rakić, Radojica
المصدر: Proceedings, 27th International Eco-Conference and 15th Environmental Protection of Urban and Suburban Settlements, 27-29.09.2023, Novi Sad
بيانات النشر: Novi Sad : Ecological Movement of Novi Sad 2023
تفاصيل مُضافة: Rakić, Radojica
Ikanović, Jela
Popović, Vera
Rakić, Sveto
Ristić, Vladica
Gantner, Vesna
Kolarić, Ljubiša
نوع الوثيقة: Electronic Resource
مستخلص: Secondary agricultural products are increasingly becoming interesting as a raw material in many branches of processing. Looking at the possible ways of using secondary agricultural products, it can be concluded that it would be rational every year using of 30-50% of dry harvest residues and residues after primary processing for energy purposes, and 50-70% for other purposes. By industrial processing from straw are separating carbohydrates, proteins, mineral salts and other chemical compounds from straw. The obtained substances are used in the paper industry, packaging, construction materials, alcohol, etc. Aromatic substances of various secondary products are using in cosmetic industry, fragrances and household disinfectants and disinfectants.
Sekundarni ratarski proizvodi postaju sve više interesantni kao sirovina u mnogim granama prerade. Sagledavajući moguće načine korišćenja sekundarnih proizvoda ratarstva može se zaključiti da bi bilo racionalno svake godine iskoristiti 30-50% suvih žetvenih ostataka i ostataka posle primarne dorade za energetske svrhe, a 50-70% za ostale namene. Industrijskom preradom iz slame izdvajaju ugljene hidrate, proteine, mineralne soli i ostala hemijska jedinjenja. Dobijene supstance se koriste u industriji papira, ambalaže, građevinskog materijala, alkohola, itd. Aromatične supstance sporednih proizvoda koriste se: u kozmetičkoj industriji, za izradu mirisa i sredstava za kućnu dezinfekciju i dezinsekciju.
مصطلحات الفهرس: biomasa, sekundarni proizvodi, žetveni ostaci, biomass, secondary products, harvest residues, straw, article
URL: http://fiver.ifvcns.rs/handle/123456789/4071
الإتاحة: Open access content. Open access content
ملاحظة: Proceedings, 27th International Eco-Conference and 15th Environmental Protection of Urban and Suburban Settlements, 27-29.09.2023, Novi Sad
أرقام أخرى: RSPST oai:fiver.ifvcns.rs:123456789/4071
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