Growth performance of the rabbitfish Siganus sutor raised at outdoor rearing ponds in Toliara, SouthWestern Madagascar

التفاصيل البيبلوغرافية
العنوان: Growth performance of the rabbitfish Siganus sutor raised at outdoor rearing ponds in Toliara, SouthWestern Madagascar
المؤلفون: Ravelohasina, Helga, Rasolofonirina, Richard, Rougeot, Carole, Jaonalison, Henitsoa, Mahafina, Jamal, Maminantenaina, Nandrianina, Lepoint, Gilles, Frederich, Bruno
المساهمون: Institut Halieutique et des Sciences Marines, Université de Toliara, FOCUS - Freshwater and OCeanic science Unit of reSearch - ULiège
المصدر: VLIZ Marine Science Day, Bruges, Belgium [BE], 01 Mars 2023
سنة النشر: 2023
مصطلحات موضوعية: Aquaculture, growth preformance, Siganus, Madagascar, Life sciences, Aquatic sciences & oceanology, Sciences du vivant, Sciences aquatiques & océanologie
الوصف: In Madagascar, decrease of fish stock and poverty lead small scale fishermen to deploy destructivefishing gear. At Toliara Reef, fishermen using mosquito seine net catch up to 50% of juvenile fishand up to 42% of these juveniles belong only to the rabbitfish Siganus sutor species.This prohibitedfishing practice disturbs the structure of adult fish populations and aquaculture may be one of theeffective solutions to alleviate the problem of stock depletion. Rabbitfishes possess most of thedesirable characteristics for aquaculture (e.g. herbivory and responsive to artificial food, highsurvival in high rearing densities) and the culture of several Siganus species have been tested invarious countries. However, no study has been conducted on the rearing of S. sutor in Madagascar.Here, we investigated such a possibility regarding the growth performances and survival rate of S.sutor. Juveniles (initial mean body weight of 6.06g ± 2.43 and length of 6.23cm ± 0.8) weresuccessfully retrieved from fishermen catches and we applied fish grow-out experiments in outdoorrearing pond (16m3) for a duration of five months. The rearing density was 8 fish/m3 and theperformance of different diets were tested. A locally produced industrial fish food (composed ofcorn, soya flour, wheat, vitamins, oil…) at a feed ration of8% of fish biomass were compared withcooked rice at a feed ration of 25% of fish biomass. Dissolved oxygen, temperature, salinity,turbidity and pH were recorded three times a day along the experiment. Fish fed with industrialfish food had a significant higher growth (p<0.05) with a final mean body weight of 68.11g ±26.71 and a final mean length of13.91cm ± 1.69. At the end of the experiment, fish fed with cookedrice displayed a mean body weight of 34.81g ± 15 and a mean length of 11.15cm ± 1.76. Feedconversion ratio is 2.99 for industrial food while it reaches up to 20.67 for the cooked rice.Surprisingly, fish fed with industrial food showed a significant lower survival rate (p<0.05) of47.2%, compared to 95.7% for the cooked rice. Our study highlights the possibility of rearingjuvenile rabbitfish in outdoor rearing pond using essentially locally produced industrial food.Controlling the rearing of juvenile rabbitfishes can be suggested as a practical approach to improvethe survival rate of these juveniles through sea ranching and for improving livelihood of localcommunities through alternative activity.
نوع الوثيقة: conference poster not in proceedings
اللغة: English
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حقوق: open access
رقم الأكسشن: edsorb.304509
قاعدة البيانات: ORBi