Interactions between analogue and digital explorations in Computational Design: lessons learned from Architectural Workshops

التفاصيل البيبلوغرافية
العنوان: Interactions between analogue and digital explorations in Computational Design: lessons learned from Architectural Workshops
المؤلفون: Mertens, Audrey, Collin, Jacques, Stals, Adeline, de Boissieu, Aurélie, Elsen, Catherine
المصدر: Learn X Design 2023, Décembre 2023
سنة النشر: 2023
مصطلحات موضوعية: architectural models, architectural design process, parametric design, prototyping, Engineering, computing & technology, Architecture, Ingénierie, informatique & technologie
الوصف: This study investigates the use of analogue tools throughout the process of parametricarchitectural design and explores the impact of modelling technologies on such design activities. Thisresearch focuses on the interaction between students, sketches and scale models, the roles and methods ofmaterializing such prototypes, and the difficulties they face. The originality of this paper lies in consideringboth the traditional physical models and the computer-aided manufacturing technologies available,examining the various applications of materialization tools, and analysing the roles fulfilled more specificallyby physical models throughout a parametric design process. The research methodology is based onobservations in the context of architectural training, through two workshop case studies: (i) “DigitalMateriality” organized at the University of Mons, in collaboration with the University of Liège; (ii) and“Digital Design Fabrication” at the National School of Architecture in Nancy. Additionally, a survey isconducted amongst the students to gain insight from their perspectives. The results reveal different levelsof integration of digital technologies in modelling processes, and highlight certain limitations regarding theadoption of digital fabrication tools. Analogue practices are shown to still constitute a key component ofthe students’ thinking, designing and communicating processes. Findings emphasize the roles of physicalmodels and their significance in the current digital context.
نوع الوثيقة: conference paper
peer reviewed
اللغة: English
Relation: 10.21606/drslxd.2023.093
DOI: 10.21606/drslxd.2023.093
URL الوصول:
حقوق: open access
رقم الأكسشن: edsorb.317835
قاعدة البيانات: ORBi