The need for recognised educational infrastructures to support superintendents’ professional development

التفاصيل البيبلوغرافية
العنوان: The need for recognised educational infrastructures to support superintendents’ professional development
المؤلفون: Liljenberg, Mette, Nordholm, Daniel, Ärlestig, Helene, 1961
المصدر: Professional Development in Education. 50(2):333-346
مصطلحات موضوعية: Educational infrastructure, superintendent, professional development, Sweden, utbildningsledarskap, educational leadership, education, pedagogik
الوصف: This article aims to explore educational infrastructures for superintendents’ and deputy superintendents’ professional development and to analyse what kind of professional development these infrastructures bolster. The article builds on a qualitative case study focusing on the central municipal level in Sweden. Findings are based on data from digitally conducted interviews with superintendents and deputy superintendents. The results show that prevailing infrastructures mainly emphasise rational understandings of knowledge and people and practical skills, making it possible for superintendents to carry out their everyday tasks. To a lesser extent, infrastructures support questioning the taken-for-granted understandings on school leadership and challenge and reshape collective professional knowledge in partnership with other professionals. Therefore, the results indicate that theory and research are seldom used as a basis for professional development. In addition, the analysis also showed that superintendents’ professional development is more linked to personal initiatives and motivation rather than planned initiatives the municipal and/or state-level administration designed. The article concludes that infrastructure design, at different levels of the school system, must consider different approaches for professional development given the complexity of and expectations on superintendents’ work.
وصف الملف: electronic
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قاعدة البيانات: SwePub