Accountability and the Affective Domain.

التفاصيل البيبلوغرافية
العنوان: Accountability and the Affective Domain.
المؤلفون: Dobson, Judith E., Dobson, Russell L.
Peer Reviewed: N
Page Count: 26
تاريخ النشر: 1975
نوع الوثيقة: Books
Descriptors: Accountability, Attitudes, Behavioral Objectives, Behavioral Science Research, Conceptual Schemes, Educational Environment, Educational Objectives, Educational Quality, Elementary Education, Evaluation, Human Dignity, Humanism, Humanistic Education, Humanization, Individual Development, Models, Nontraditional Education, Public Education, Student Attitudes
مستخلص: This paper presents and discusses a model of a comprehensive educational system committed to humane education. The value of a school experience is determined by the quality of the living experience that occurs in the school. This experience generally does not include at present a systematic realization of humane potential on the elementary level. The following schematic expression of a comprehensive educational system committed to a humane education provides one viable educational alternative to present systems. It is intended for consideration by elementary-school personnel committed to helping pupils know people as opposed to teaching them to know about people. The system is divided into the following five phases: (1) goals which might include development of a healthy self-concept, assuming responsibility for one's own actions, accepting self and others, and taking advantage of educational experiences; (2) theoretical base which encompasses social interaction, curricular development, community and parent involvement, and student and teacher personal growth; (3) objectives which should be decided on by the school staff and by parent and community committees; (4) instructional program which can best be devised by the school staff; and (5) evaluative design which will include input from teachers, children, administrators, and parents. References are included. (Author/DB)
Journal Code: RIEJAN1977
Entry Date: 1977
رقم الأكسشن: ED128277
قاعدة البيانات: ERIC