Progress or Change: Issues in Educating the Emotionally Disturbed. Volume 1: Identification and Program Planning.

التفاصيل البيبلوغرافية
العنوان: Progress or Change: Issues in Educating the Emotionally Disturbed. Volume 1: Identification and Program Planning.
اللغة: English
المؤلفون: Noel, Margaret M., Haring, Norris G., Washington Univ., Seattle. Program Development Assistance System.
Peer Reviewed: N
Page Count: 172
تاريخ النشر: 1982
Sponsoring Agency: Office of Special Education and Rehabilitative Services (ED), Washington, DC. Div. of Innovation and Development.
نوع الوثيقة: Book
Descriptors: Administrative Problems, Agency Cooperation, Behavior Disorders, Definitions, Delivery Systems, Educational History, Elementary Secondary Education, Emotional Disturbances, Evaluation Methods, Handicap Identification, Program Development, Student Evaluation, Student Placement
مستخلص: Seven papers focus on issues in identification and educational program planning for children with emotional disturbances. "Social Policy Issues in Special Education and Related Services for Emotionally Disturbed Children and Youth" (J. Kauffman), touches on problems with the federal definition of and terminology about the emotionally disturbed and suggests possible reasons for inadequate services to this population. Two major areas (conceptual and procedural) relating to the assessment of mild behavior disorders in children are examined in "Assessment of Behavior Disorders in the School Setting: Issues, Problems, and Strategies" by H. Walker. Biophysical, psychodynamic, behavioral, sociological, and ecological perspectives in assessment are considered, and a 9-step model is proposed by B. Algozzine ("Assessment of Severe Behavior Disorders"). S. Braaten presents "A Model for the Differential Assessment and Placement of Emotionally Disturbed Students in Special Education Programs," in which data are assigned priority ratings to convey the extent of the student's disturbing behavior. N. Haring reviews historical developments in "Perspectives on the Development of Educational Programs for the Emotionally Disturbed." Interprofessional and interagency collaboration are among the major topics considered in "Cooperative Full Service Delivery to Emotionally Disturbed Students" by F. Wood. Eligibility, placement, discipline (suspension, expulsion, corporal punishment), and related services are covered in "Administrative Issues in Educating Emotionally Disturbed Students in the Public Schools" by B. Tilley, J. Gross, and L. Cox. (CL)
Entry Date: 1983
رقم الأكسشن: ED229948
قاعدة البيانات: ERIC