Support Tools for Authoring--A Seminar Report. Occasional Paper InTER/7/88.

التفاصيل البيبلوغرافية
العنوان: Support Tools for Authoring--A Seminar Report. Occasional Paper InTER/7/88.
اللغة: English
المؤلفون: Lewis, R., Mace, T. D., Lancaster Univ. (England). Dept. of Psychology.
الإتاحة: ESRC InTER Programme, Department of Psychology, University of Lancaster, Lancaster LA1 4YF, United Kingdom (single copy free).
Peer Reviewed: N
Page Count: 17
تاريخ النشر: 1988
نوع الوثيقة: Collected Works - Proceedings
Descriptors: Authoring Aids (Programing), Computer Assisted Instruction, Computer Software Development, Courseware, Foreign Countries, Research Needs, Training
مستخلص: This report summarizes the discussions at a seminar which provided the opportunity for 15 researchers and developers from the United Kingdom and other European countries to consider a number of short, medium, and long-term issues and assist in setting an agenda for future phases of research. The specific goals were: (1) to identify the tools necessary for the effective support of existing authors or development teams of computer-supported learning or training materials (short term goal); (2) to indicate where advanced developments in this and related fields might lead to better computer-based training development tools (medium term goal); and (3) to suggest areas of fundamental research which are needed to underpin more effective courseware development tools for the future (long term goal). General issues covered included computer-based training and users of authoring tools. Several topics related to what tools are needed to improve current practice are then considered, i.e., the limitations of current authoring systems; problems to be solved with better tools; assessment of organizational needs; analysis of training needs; design; prototyping tools; and user modelling. Software engineering techniques are described, including simulation and modelling, Smalltalk and direct-manipulation interfaces, HyperCard, integration, and expert systems. Several issues of instructional and learning strategies are summarized. The report concludes with outlines of tools and techniques that need to be developed and issues for the research on which such development depends. A list of seminar participants is appended. (MES)
Entry Date: 1991
رقم الأكسشن: ED323911
قاعدة البيانات: ERIC