Increasing Student Responsibility through the Development of the Skills of Listening To and Following Directions.

التفاصيل البيبلوغرافية
العنوان: Increasing Student Responsibility through the Development of the Skills of Listening To and Following Directions.
اللغة: English
المؤلفون: Bibel, Michelle, Hart, Lewis, Rizzio, Gary, Tylka, Patricia
Peer Reviewed: N
Page Count: 96
تاريخ النشر: 1997
نوع الوثيقة: Reports - Descriptive
Descriptors: Grade 11, Grade 8, Grade 9, Listening Skills, School Culture, Secondary Education, Student Attitudes, Student Development, Student Improvement, Student Responsibility, Student Surveys, Teacher Role, Teacher Surveys
مستخلص: This report describes a program for improving student responsibility through increasing the effectiveness of students listening to and following directions. Targeted groups consisted of an eighth-grade applied computer technology class, a ninth-grade English class, a ninth-grade biology class, and an eleventh-grade applied physical science class. Student and teacher surveys and a teacher observation checklist documented the problem of lack of responsibility, revealing many students who failed to bring materials for class, failed to follow class rules, failed to actively listen to the teacher as directions were given, failed to complete an activity as directed, or asked a teacher to repeat directions already given. The faculty reported that teachers enabled students by repeating or explaining directions when students did not listen the first time; students who speak English as their second language had difficulty comprehending written and oral instructions; and in previous grades, students had been promoted to the next grade level even though they failed individual courses. A literature review revealed that when students are not held accountable, they do not develop responsibility for their learning. A review of solutions strategies suggested by knowledgeable others, combined with an analysis of the problem setting, yielded three major categories of intervention: (1) the teacher will foster a sense of students' responsibility by giving students direct instruction and practice in following directions, holding students accountable, and modeling effective listening; (2) the teacher will develop a procedural model that he/she will follow when giving oral directions; and (3) the teacher will develop a procedural model that he/she will following when giving written directions. (Contains 43 references; appended are various survey results and sample survey forms.) (Author/CR)
Entry Date: 1998
رقم الأكسشن: ED413581
قاعدة البيانات: ERIC