Adult Education in Israel IV.

التفاصيل البيبلوغرافية
العنوان: Adult Education in Israel IV.
اللغة: English
المؤلفون: Kirmayer, Paul, Michaelson, Serena T., Israel Ministry of Education, Culture and Sport, Jerusalem. Div. of Adult Education.
Peer Reviewed: N
Page Count: 196
تاريخ النشر: 1998
نوع الوثيقة: Book
Descriptors: Action Research, Adult Basic Education, Adult Education, Adult Literacy, Andragogy, Citations (References), Community Education, Community Involvement, Community Role, Computer Uses in Education, Continuing Education, Cultural Context, Developed Nations, Educational Philosophy, Educational Practices, Educational Radio, Educational Technology, Educational Television, Foreign Countries, Hebrew, Jews, Judaism, Lifelong Learning, Partnerships in Education, Popular Education, Postsecondary Education, Schools, Theater Arts
مصطلحات جغرافية: Israel
مستخلص: This fourth journal edition, oriented towards the topic of adult education and the community in Israel, focuses on these two major themes: the different approaches to analyzing and understanding the community, its populations, and its connection to adult education; and educational institutions and cultural entities within the community. Seventeen papers are included, organized in five parts. Part I, New Directions in Adult Education, includes "New Directions in Continuing Education: Towards the 21st Century" (Peter Jarvis) and "Judaism as a model for the Creation of a Learning Society" (Jonathan Mirvis). Part II, Adult Education and the Community: Approaches and Populations, contains the following five papers: "An Andragogic-Developmental Model in Community Work" (Rachel Tokatli); "Schools for Community Activists: A Report of the First Decade's Experience" (Alan S. York and Hank Havassy); "The Contribution of Adult Education in the Family in the Community" (Rina Cohen); "Basic Education for Immigrant Adults Hagoshrim Project" (Yaffa Schuster); and "Returning from the Dark" (Graciella Spector). These six papers make up Part III, Educational Institutions and Cultural Creativity within the Community: "The Community School--Education via Partnerships" (Yardena Harpaz); "The Popular University--The Classic Model vs. the Community Model" (Paul Kirmayer); "'Tehila' in the Community" (Ora Grabelsky); "Nine Principles in Creating a Community Play" (Yossi Alfi); "The Community Is on Both Sides of the Lens" (Ze' ev Zahavi); and "Regional Radio" (Yossi Alfi). Part IV, Happenings, includes these three papers: "Hamburg Statement: Adult Education in Israel" (Meir Peretz); "From Hamburg to Israel: What Must Be Done and What Can Be Done in Adult Education" (Eitan Israeli); and "Learning to Live Together--Middle East Educators' Meetings" (Magi Koren). Part V, Publications, lists 13 publications produced by the Israeli Ministry of Publications, Culture, and Sport in 1997-98. (KC)
ملاحظات: For volume I, see ED 371 126; for volumes II-III, see ED 410 392; for volume V, see CE 082 030. Articles originally appeared in the Hebrew-language adult education publication "Gadish." ISSN listed as 0793-033-033.
Journal Code: RIEJAN2002
Entry Date: 2002
رقم الأكسشن: ED455401
قاعدة البيانات: ERIC