Principal Leadership in a Virtual Environment. Considerations: School Leadership

التفاصيل البيبلوغرافية
العنوان: Principal Leadership in a Virtual Environment. Considerations: School Leadership
اللغة: English
المؤلفون: Stephenson, Stefani Pautz, Hardy, Angela, Seylar, John, Wayman, Jeff, Peters, Vanessa, Beylin, Melissa, Roschelle, Jeremy, Wallace Foundation, Digital Promise
المصدر: Wallace Foundation. 2021.
الإتاحة: Wallace Foundation. 5 Penn Plaza 7th Floor, New York, NY 10001. Tel: 212-251-9700; Web site:
Peer Reviewed: N
Page Count: 63
تاريخ النشر: 2021
نوع الوثيقة: Reports - Research
Education Level: Early Childhood Education
Elementary Education
Primary Education
Elementary Secondary Education
Descriptors: Principals, Instructional Leadership, COVID-19, Pandemics, School Districts, Computer Simulation, Distance Education, Virtual Classrooms, Equal Education, Decision Making, Futures (of Society), Educational Quality, Educational Strategies, Student Needs, Administrator Attitudes, Teaching Methods, Kindergarten, Elementary Secondary Education, Educational Improvement, Access to Education, Faculty Development, Risk, Inclusion, Leadership Effectiveness
مستخلص: While virtual learning environments are not new for many school leaders, the unexpected shift to remote learning during the COVID-19 pandemic has resulted in intensified focus on the need for school leadership to ensure equitable learning in virtual environments. When considering virtual learning for the future, new and current adopters will have to make an important decision. Will principals revert to seeing virtual learning as supplemental to and separate from the core effort to improve instruction? Or, will leaders view virtual learning as essential to the classroom, necessitating its purposeful integration into plans to foster high-quality, equitable learning, guided by well-defined strategies and the needs of their students? Commissioned by The Wallace Foundation, which supports efforts to promote effective school leadership, this report sets out to define what high-quality, equitable learning looks like in a virtual environment. It poses questions for school district leaders to ask if they want to develop principals who can lead their schools to this type of learning. It also describes strategies for districts to consider in efforts to develop a whole pipeline of principals adept at high-quality, equitable virtual learning--using a definition of an "aligned, comprehensive principal pipeline" that emerged through research and field work funded by The Wallace Foundation. The report is based on an examination of research literature supplemented by interviews with 11 principals and administrators knowledgeable about virtual learning. It also draws on Digital Promise's experience in working with schools and school districts. The final chapter looks at topics that merit further exploration in the areas of virtual learning, equity, and school leadership. Related to that, the report notes that leading for effective, equitable virtual learning is a relatively new subject, with a still-emerging research base. In light of that, this report is an early effort at providing insights into how districts might cultivate a corps of effective, equity-minded principals who have also mastered leading virtual learning and operating in a virtual environment.
Abstractor: ERIC
Entry Date: 2021
URL الوصول:
رقم الأكسشن: ED615960
قاعدة البيانات: ERIC