دورية أكاديمية

Impact of COVID-19 Pandemic on Teaching and Learning: Perceptions of Civil Engineering Students Towards the Online Class and Its Challenges

التفاصيل البيبلوغرافية
العنوان: Impact of COVID-19 Pandemic on Teaching and Learning: Perceptions of Civil Engineering Students Towards the Online Class and Its Challenges
اللغة: English
المؤلفون: Boon Hoe Goh, Hui Ling Wong, Fang Yenn Teo
المصدر: Journal of Educators Online. 2024 21(1).
الإتاحة: Journal of Educators Online. Grand Canyon University, 23300 West Camelback Road, Phoenix, AZ 85017. e-mail: CIRT@gcu.edu. Web site: https://www.thejeo.com
Peer Reviewed: Y
Page Count: 16
تاريخ النشر: 2024
نوع الوثيقة: Journal Articles
Reports - Research
Education Level: Higher Education
Postsecondary Education
Descriptors: COVID-19, Pandemics, Civil Engineering, Distance Education, Electronic Learning, Educational Change, Teaching Models, Student Attitudes, Foreign Countries, College Students
مصطلحات جغرافية: Malaysia
تدمد: 1547-500X
مستخلص: The COVID-19 pandemic accelerated the adoption of technology and greatly transformed the way humans communicate. Since the start of the pandemic, the delivery of lectures and workshops shifted from face-to-face to online. However, this shift in the mode of teaching may or may not suit learners. This study was conducted to determine the students' perception of the mode of teaching, their learning experience after attending the online classes throughout the semester, and the major challenges they faced during the classes. The participants were Year 1 students from an AutoCAD workshop, Year 3 students from a Traffic Engineering Course, and Year 4 students from a Highway and Pavement Design course. The results show that prerecorded classes with the addition of live-streaming classes were more preferred in computing classes because students can learn at their own pace, especially when learning the new software. For lecture-based courses, physical classes or a mix of physical and online classes were favored by students because physical classes can be more interactive. There were also challenges encountered by the students during online classes such as poor internet connection and distractions at home. Thus, instructors need to personally communicate with the students to understand their learning preference so that the necessary adjustments can be made to the mode of teaching, particularly with the use of hybrid teaching.
Abstractor: As Provided
Entry Date: 2024
رقم الأكسشن: EJ1416272
قاعدة البيانات: ERIC